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Rocky's mom Claudia Happy 28th Birthday ~ Dragan October 14, 2013
Obitelj Blekić Dragane lipi anđele sretan Ti rođendan October 14, 2013
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Happy 28th Dragan! October 14, 2013
Colleen ~ Thomas Carroll Happy Birthday Dragan! October 14, 2013
tata sretan rođendan sine... October 14, 2013

                                    We are all born for love. It is the principle of existence, and its only end.(B.Disraeli)

                                    Svi smo rođeni u ime ljubavi. To je načelo egzistencije i to je jedini kraj.

Zora Blekić Milina mama Anđele uživaj u ljepoti doma Gospodnjega October 3, 2013
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Thanks! September 15, 2013

Sorry I'm late, still having a difficult time adjusting to my Dad's passing. God Bless!
Darko's mom Uvijek u srcima kiji te vole September 12, 2013
Prolaze dani, mjeseci, godine ali Dragane prelijepi Andjele uvijek ces zivjeti u srcima onih koji te vole.

Dragan, thinking of you & your family on your 4th Angelversary & holding you all in my heart & prayers always. ~~

Colleen ~ Thomas Carroll Keeping U & UR Family in My Prayers September 11, 2013
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Hugs as Your Angelversary Nears Dragan September 11, 2013
Condoléances totales: 609
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