Dragan wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter Weekend...May God bless you all! Hugs Grandma Louise to Angie Robert
The great and sad mistake of many people...is to imagine that those whom death has taken, leave us. They do not leave us. They remain! Where are they? In the darkness? Oh, no! It is we who are in darkness. We do not see them, but they see us. Their eyes, radiant with glory, are fixed upon our eyes...Oh, infinite consolation! Though invisible to us, our dead are not absent...They are living near us, transfigured...into light, into power, into love.
God Bless
Ryan Slaters Mom
Velika i tužna pogreška mnogih ljudi ... je predodžba da su nas napustili oni koje nam je smrt oduzela. Oni nas nisu napusti. Oni su ostali! Gdje su oni? U tami ? O, ne! Mi smo ti koji su u tami. Mi njih ne vidimo, ali oni vide nas . Njihove oči, zračeći sjajem, su uprte u naše oči ... Oh, beskrajna utjeho! Iako nevidljivi za nas, naš mrtvi nisu odsutni ... Oni žive blizu nas, preobraženi ... unutar svjetla, u snazi, u ljubavi.
Božiji blagosov
Mama Ryana Slatersa