Somewhere beyond the world as we know it, there is a place where we will all meet again, where we never have to say goodbye.
02/10/2025 tata
Život je jedan od onih dragocjenih prolaznih darova, ali sve se može promijeniti u TRENU.
02/09/2025 Joyce mother to kary stokes
Stopping by to say I hope you have a wonderful blessed weekend. Thanks for always remembering my Kary.
02/08/2025 Joyce mother to kary stokes
Stopping by to say I hope you have a wonderful blessed weekend. Thanks for always remembering my Kary.
02/08/2025 tata
Smrt ne prekida odnos, već jednostavno kuje novu vrstu odnosa, on se ne temelji na fizičkom prisutnošću, već na sijećanju, duhu i ljubavi. ~Ashley Davis Bush~
It may b just a candle 2 some,but 2 ur loved 1's~it means more than words can say.Wishing u a beautiful weekend in Heavenჱ❤ჱ
02/06/2025 tata
Možda ne postoji ništa jedinstvenije što bi nas više naučilo o životu od smrti.
02/05/2025 dad
In any man who dies there dies with him his first snow and kiss and fight.... Not people die but worlds die in them. ~alexis benoit~
02/04/2025 Edwina~Troy Mitchells mum
Today. tomorrow and always, we will remember you ♥ღ♥
02/03/2025 tata
To je tvoj put i tebe samoga. Drugi mogu hodati s tobom, ali nitko ne može hodati umjesto tebe. ~Rumi~